What I am doing
I have been working with a church revitalization in South East London. This church is in a neighbourhood called Welling and has gone through some major changes in the past few years. Before 2018, the church had closed it’s doors and the few remaining members were meeting in a home down the street. They were averaging 8 people each Sunday and were praying for God to keep them from closing permanently. This church invited missionaries Tarl Reeves and Justin Rhoades to be their pastors and reopen the church building. 2 years after restarting the church, it has grown from 8 in attendance to nearly 100 every Sunday.
They have seen 35 salvations and 38 baptisms so far!
During my 9 month internship, at this church, I was able to serve in 15 different areas of ministry, and I can’t wait to get back to serving at my church in London.
Young Ladies
I was able to start and lead a brand new small group which meets once a week with all new Christians. Each one of them has never been in a small group before and this is their first time being able to meet with a group of Christian girls their age. The focus is to help each other grow in our relationship with the Lord and learn how to share our faith.
Discipleship is one of the many things that drew me to really love my Church in London. Our goal when meeting one on one with new Christians is to study the Bible and help them learn the important doctrines and theology they need to live the life Christ commands them to live.
Kids Church
I have the opportunity to serve and lead on Sundays in kids church. Each week, we take elementary age kids through the Bible and teach them all about how much God loves and cares for them. I have been able to build relationships with these wonderful children and I can’t wait to spend more time sharing the Gospel with them.
Youth/Kids Club
Every Friday night we have Adventure Club (youth group) where teens and kids come to learn some important biblical principles and how to live their lives for Christ. I have the privilege every week to run the games and lead a small group.
Small Group Teens
During our Friday club, I get the opportunity to lead the girls small group. It is such a fun time discussing the Bible lesson and figuring out how we can all apply it to our lives. Getting to spend time with these girls each week is a big highlight of the time I have spent in London.
Sunday Worship
Every Sunday I get to take the lead in setting up the church building for Sunday worship. I get to work along side some of the best volunteers in London to help prepare our building for the guests that will come to hear Jesus for the first time.
Evangelism is a big part of every ministry we do here in London, whether it is sharing who Jesus is with a first time guest or actually going out on the streets to have intentional conversations with those in the community. One of the most exciting things I got to do was be a part of 3 missions trips, where each day we went out to have hundreds of conversations about Jesus. If you are looking to go an a missions trip focused on sharing the Gospel send me an email!
When we do big outreach events I help with set up, running them, and clean up. Outreaches are a great way to reach the community with the Gospel and get people into our church building, when they would never typically come to a worship service. While the outreaches are meant to be fun, we also strive to have intentional conversations with people about God.
Host Missions Trips
My first summer here I had the opportunity to help host missions trips that were centered around sharing the Gospel. Not only did I get to help train them to share the Gospel but we also get to do a fun day of sight see around the city too! Coming back full time, I can’t wait to have my supporting churches come over to see the ministry that goes on here and be a part of reaching London for Christ.
Baby Steps
Baby Steps is an amazing opportunity for mums with babies and toddlers to gather together and have the chance to interact with each other, hear a Bible story, and do a craft. I get to attend every Wednesday to run the songs/video lessons and interact with the mums and their babies.
Small Groups
Throughout the week we have small groups that will meet at peoples houses and talk through different Biblical topics. This is a great opportunity to discuss the Bible and ask questions to grow in our knowledge of God. I am so glad that I get to help with hosting one of the small groups.
Women’s Brunch
Women’s Brunch meets once a month on a Saturday for a time of prayer, Bible study, and fellowship. It is great to get to know the other women in the church and it has been a good place for them to invite friends. Most months we have a guest speaker come to hear their story and teach us from the Bible.
Leading Interns
One of the things I am really excited about is encouraging others to come to England to do an internship. It is an amazing opportunity for growth and learning how to do ministry in another country. When interns come I will get to help lead them and teach them all the things that I learned while being an intern here in London.
Throughout the week I help with all the behind the scenes things that churches need to do like keeping track of attendance and sorting out where everyone will serve the next Sunday. It may be lots of paper work but it has taught me a lot about what it takes to have great ministries.
As the church has grown so has our creche (British for nursery). We now need to have a separate class for all the toddlers and it is always a joy to teach them the Bible and play games with them.