Why London?
In Matthew 28:19 it says “Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” We see in this verse the clear command to go and make disciple of all nations. While I would love to go and share the gospel in every nation it is not practical. One of the great things about London is it is home to more than 270 nationalities and 300 languages. There are people from all over the world in this one city. I will be able to reach all nations from one place and in my own language. I’ve been able to speak to people from Hungary, Turkey, China, India, and Africa, along with many others. The people we witness too and invest in here in London, could in turn witness to people in their own country, which means we are reaching all nations like the Bible commands.
The population of London alone is over 9 million people. While 57% of the population consider themselves to be christian, only 7.9% identify as evangelical christians, and fewer than 4% of UK residents actually attend church. Evangelical Christians generally believe that salvation is through Christ alone. A huge percentage of the population is going to hell because they have been taught that good works, family members, or some other reason aside from Jesus Christ is the way to heaven.
Some of the top religions in London
Anglican- 63.9% (Church of England, which only has a few differences to Catholicism)
Non-Religious Population- 34.5%
Roman Catholic- 13.5%
Muslim Population- 12.4%